"A good blogger doesn't need flamboyant templates"

Hmmpphh Aku blogger picisan je. Template kena la over,you!~

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I found this from a blog tuneyourlife, and I thought my friends should really see this.



You saw what you should see...

I'm not doing any porno post or whatsoever...

There's an explaination to that:

Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario.What they WILL see, however, is the nine dolphins in the picture!

Try figuring it out!

I saw what you saw to. That, I think, proves that we're not innocent young children anymore...

p/s: If you failed to figured out the dolphines in 6 seconds, you probably should consider seeking help from optometrist, or something wrong with your brain. lol.

2 bebelan orang:

Anonymous said...

waa!!! aku rase, aku still innocent young children la ... aku x nampak ape yg ko nampak melly... aku nampak nine dolphins swimming, and it's really wonderful... where do u get this ha? i think i've to print it....

Melati said...

Poyo la ko!

X caye la....

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