Normally, for normal people (abnormal people may be an exception), there are only 2 possibilities that may occur when coming to a new place - either it freshens your mood or it turns you down.
Well, for me, it's kinda scary to visit a new place without seeking for any review about it beforehand. "Tak kenal maka tak cinta" but why waste money to try things that may betray your mood?
As for today, my bottom molar teeth was kiling me. So I visit a denstist - a new dentistry, since my regular clinic has moved to Semenyih (you can say it's far from my place). And guess what? I spent RM80, and not only that my bottom tooth got worse, it made my upper tooth swell too! (The doctor claimed that the real decayed tooth was the top tooth, not the bottom one. So he fixed the top one instead!)
One incident not enough for a day.
My friends and I went to a new bistro near our place. It looked nice, and the prices written on the menu was cheap. But, yea... New stuff... Turn out that the service sucks, the lighting makes the area too warm, and the prices were just dummies!!! It's more expensive!!!
I hate new places!!! X(
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